Monday, January 15, 2007

Music, my solace

There's something about compelling lyrics, breathtaking melodies, chugging power chords and unforgettable riffs that just can't be replaced by anything else.

And yes, the background is supposed to look like that.

The pride and joy of some

So now you know. Quite the landmark isn't it?

viewed from here,


The Hierophant said...

The view from here
Is silent fear
Crinkles in stone,
Blood and bone

Built up high
Just to fly
Aerie eagle's nest
(up and) above the rest

King that rose
the Best he chose ?
Pedestal to gods
Heavenly sods

Hope that flight
Blinds not sight
The view from here
is one of fear.

2'2" said...

:o who goes there? Thanks for the comment, great poem